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Hendren’s In! He’s In! He’s In!

Updated: Apr 13

Sen. Kim Hendren

By the way, in case you missed it, Arkansas Sen. Kim Hendren says he WILL get in to the Republican primary for U.S. Senate for a shot at challenging Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln in 2010. That’s what he’s telling the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s Bill Bowden, anyway.  Huzzah!

I also failed to note over the long weekend that John Gray, a Green Party candidate, had entered the race. Here’s more on Gray from the Morning News of Northwest Arkansas. He seems an agreeable enough sort, though his campaign slogan (“Resist Corporate Rule of America!”) leaves something to be desired. Namely, everything.

What, you can’t keep all of these jokers straight? Well, my friend, you do not have to. We’re keeping a running list right over here for your convenience. Hopefully it will start to grow shorter in the very near future.

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