The newest project from the Advance Arkansas Institute gives you extraordinary knowledge about the workings of the Arkansas General Assembly. Our new iPhone app (also usable on the iPad) gives you all kinds of data on the voting records of those currently serving in the Arkansas legislature. You can look up the voting records of any Arkansas legislator, and you’ll also get 15 different, individualized ratings for each legislator. The app brings you the data from our Arkansas Freedom Scorecard – and also supplies district maps, the full text of roughly 100 rated bills, the awards we gave for superior legislative performance, and links to state legislative pages and to projects of the Advance Arkansas Institute. In short, if you use an iPhone, this app gives you big legislative data that you can carry around in the palm of your hand. Perhaps the most important part of our app, however, is the information that it will bring you in the future. When the legislative session begins in 2015, we’ll be incorporating new data into the app on a regular basis – namely, the votes and legislation during the 2015 session that advance (or shrink) freedom and good government. We’ll also give you up-to-the-minute alerts through the app; if you have the app on your phone or tablet, we’ll keep you posted about the progress of important bills. And best of all, the app only costs you 99 cents! How can you lose? Just search for “Advance AR” in the App Store or click here to go straight to the app for download. If you’re not sold yet, watch our video for more information.
Announcing: AAI's New App
Updated: Apr 13, 2024