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Blanche Lincoln Is Just A Damn Money Machine

Updated: Apr 13

Finally, something to smile about.

Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln can’t seem to get much right these days based on her poll numbers, but her fundraising prowess tells another story.

In the fourth quarter of 2009, Lincoln raised $1.3 million, leaving her with $5 million cash on hand, her campaign announced this morning. In a related story, the various candidates in the GOP primary to challenge Lincoln discovered that they could save a bundle by carpooling to events.

Back in July of last year, I noted that, if Lincoln were to continue raising funds at the rate of roughly $500,000 per month, she could conceivably raise $11 million for the race. For this election cycle in total, she’s now raised more than $7 million, which I believe is already an all-time record for an Arkansas candidate.

Republican candidates who think that Lincoln is finished just because she’s polling below 50 percent (way below) right now truly underestimate how hard Democrats will fight to hold this seat. Political machines don’t just roll over and die because they get discouraged.

And yes, we’ve all heard the rumors and speculation floating around that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee wants Lincoln to step aside for a stronger candidate. I’ll believe it when I see it. Till we hear her say she’s out, she’s in.

By the way, I’ll be on KARN at 5 p.m. this afternoon with local radio legend Dave Elswick to talk state politics, and I’ll bet we discuss some of these numbers. Also on the agenda: I’ll show you how to make a simple bird feeder with just a pine cone and a couple tablespoons of peanut butter! Tune in at 5 to learn how!

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