Remember when Democrats used to bristle whenever criticized, taking umbrage that anyone would “question their patriotism”? I do! Why, here’s a link to Barack Obama whining about that just one year ago when John McCain questioned his bona fides on national security.
Oh, hey, guess what happened? In a conference call with reporters, Sen. Blanche Lincoln says that protesters questioning Obamacare are “un-American.” Take that, you smelly hippies!
But then she took it back, because she evidently suddenly realized that calling your constituents “un-American” when you’re up for re-election maybe isn’t the savviest of political moves. She was probably right about that.
UPDATE: By way of contrast, here’s a Twitter response from Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri that is smarter by a factor of, oh, let’s say a million. One million times smarter: “I disagree that the people showing concern over some healthcare proposals are “manufactured” Real folks, strong opinions.”
That’s a smart call from McCaskill, because if you think about it, it’s rarely a good idea for United States senators to start bandying about charges that their fellow citizens are “un-American” for their political activities.
And don’t look now, but here comes the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee! Their statement on Lincoln’s gaffe is at the jump:
Statement on Lincoln ‘Un-American’ Gaffe From National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee
“We agree that Senator Lincoln should apologize for her description of these protestors are ‘un-American,’ given the fact they are justifiably expressing their frustration with the Democrats’ failed agenda and plans to implement a government takeover of America’s health care system. Perhaps this will encourage Senator Lincoln to finally explain to Arkansans how she and the Democrats will pay for their massive Washington-run health care proposals?” – Amber Wilkerson, NRSC spokeswoman