Video clip courtesy of The Tolbert Report
Oh, Andrew Breitbart, you madcap right-wing provocateur! The Americans for Prosperity Arkansas team and KARN Radio welcomed Breitbart, publisher of the family of news sites and relentless stirrer-up-of-shit, to North Little Rock today for a speech focusing on the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.
Breitbart kicked off his lunch speech to roughly 100 people with the frank admission that he’s “a biased journalist” and “completely unobjective.” He then wasted no time in laying out his case against the Occupy movement, which in various cities nationwide has included incidents of violence, rape, anti-Semitism and, uh, pubic lice (checks notes…yep, that’s what he said). Breitbart maintains a running “rap sheet” of OWS incidents on his Big Government site.
“This is Woodstock on violent and crazy steroids,” declared Breitbart, who’s also called for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to shut down the Zucotti Park demonstration, the movement’s ground zero, as a public safety threat.
Breitbart presents the OWS movement in operatic and hellish terms, much at odds with the coverage given the movement elsewhere. (By comparison, the Occupy Little Rock encampment has so far been about as edgy and provocative as a convocation of youth pastors.)
But if there’s one thing that gets Breitbart more exercised than “the institutional left,” it’s what he describes as the double standard compared to how the Tea Party has been covered.
“[The Tea Party was] supposed to be violent, according to the Department of Homeland Security,” Breitbart said. “And we were supposed to be racist, but Herman Cain is the Tea Party frontrunner.” His goal: “I want to show the world who these people are, who the institutional left is.”
Jason Tolbert of the esteemed Tolbert Report, who kindly provided the video clip above, was also on hand and talked to Breitbart about the sexual harassment charges against GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain. Go check out his post.