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Huck Pitches Saltsman for RNC Chief

David Kinkade

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Huckabee hand Chip Saltsman: Gunning for RNC chair

We touched on this a few weeks ago briefly, but Mike Huckabee’s erstwhile presidential campaign manager, Chip Saltsman, is angling to head up the Republican National Committee, and the former Arkansas governor is pulling for his man for the job. Marc Ambinder at the Atlantic blog has the details, and Team Huckabee confirms it all at his site.

Pro-Huck blogger Kevin Tracy makes the case for Saltsman, pointing to the Huckabee campaign’s unexpected success with minimal funding in the 2008 primary season as evidence: “If Chip Saltsman can raise a candidate to and beyond the level of Mitt Romney with no resources, what could Chip Saltsman accomplish with the resources of the entire Republican Party at his disposal?”

Noted: Tracy has also started a Facebook initiative to “Draft Chip Saltsman for RNC Chair.”

Tim Griffin at the Griffin Room blog has been following this race pretty closely, so if you’re interested in that kind of thing, go over there and scan through the recent posts, because he’s got lots of the skinny on who all is running for this particular brass ring.

Meanwhile, Blake Rutherford over at the Think Tank breaks the news that Howard Dean will be stepping down from his perch at the Democratic National Committee, following a rather successful tenure that led to Dem gains nationwide.

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