The Advance Arkansas Institute will host a luncheon — entitled “Three Big Ideas” — on Friday, November 21, in Little Rock. During our luncheon, three experts will provide a brief outline of changes in federal policy that would advance America: Professor Phil Oliver of the UALR-Bowen Law School, business owner Rachael Cox, and AAI president Dan Greenberg. Our speakers will focus on tax reform, immigration reform and free trade. You should come! The first 50 people to register get a free lunch. You can reserve your ticket here. We hope to see you at 1415 West Third Street (the Arkansas Association of Counties building), which is just northeast of the state Capitol. P.S.: Tomorrow (Thursday, November 13), the Arkansas Center for Research in Economics (ACRE) will host a panel discussion: “What effect do government rules, regulations, and taxes have on the economy?” The discussion will take place at the UCA College of Business Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. From our friends at ACRE:
Internationally known economists Robert Lawson and Dean Stansel, co-authors of the authoritative and industry-leading Economic Freedom of the World, Economic Freedom of North America, and Metro Economic Freedom indices, will participate in a panel discussion on economic freedom and economic development. Learn how government policies affect economic development at the national, state, and local levels. Join us in the UCA College of Business auditorium lobby 15 minutes early for socializing and light refreshments.