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David Kinkade

‘Organizing for America’ Continues To Be Ridiculous

Updated: Apr 14

The Democratic National Committee’s Organizing for America (OFA) group, which last week got crosswise with the re-election campaign of Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln when they publicized a non-existent town hall appearance, continues to bumble about.

The Morning News of Northwest Arkansas’ Doug Thompson reports that OFA is hosting “health care listening tour” events as part of the push for Obamacare—but locking out the media from covering the events.

So here’s how it played out: OFA holds this event in Fayetteville for people to tell their personal health care stories, but instead of getting news coverage that might help build the case for Obamacare, which might have carried their message to a broader audience, they succeed only in generating a news story about how they’re blocking the media from covering the event. Just when you thought the Democratic approach on health care reform couldn’t get any more muddled….

“Organizing for America”? Sounds more like they should call it “DISORGANIZING for America,” huh?  I mean, am I right, people? High five! Who’s with me?

What? Nobody? Wow, tough room.

Other stuff that’s going on, health care-wise:

  1. The Republican Party of Arkansas kicks off their own health care listening tour around the state, with the first stop in Benton on Saturday. Special guests will include Rep. Ann Clemmer, Rep. Ed Garner and Rep. Dan Greenberg, an occasional Arkansas Project contributor.

  2. The state GOP also welcomes Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele to Arkansas this afternoon for a health care round table event and media availability.

  3. OFA’s super-secret listening tour continues with a stop in Little Rock tonight.

  4. The Patients First “Hands Off Our Health Care” Bus Tour kicks off next week at locations around the state.

  5. Senator Lincoln schedules some town hall meetings for the first week of September.

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