Former GOP Rep. Jim Medley announced today that he’ll run for Arkansas Senate in District 13. The seat is currently held by Denny Altes, who is term-limited and running for the state House of Representatives. The race is also being eyed by Republicans Jake Files and Frank Glidewell.
Medley’s full release is at the jump.
Formally announcing his candidacy for the Republican Nomination for Arkansas State Senate District 13 is three-term State Representative for District 64, Jim Medley. As a former member of the Fort Smith Board of Education, and former member of the Board of Directors of the Fort Smith Chamber of Commerce, Representative Medley’s proven service to the citizens of Fort Smith and his legislative experience make him an ideal candidate for this position.
Representative Medley is most proud of his lead sponsorship of bills that brought general improvement funds for Creekmore Park, Kelley Park ball fields, the Evans’ Boys Club, the Nancy Orr Girls’ Club, the Fort Smith Senior Activity Center, the Literacy Council of Western Arkansas, the Don Reynolds Cancer Support House, Fort Smith PTAs, American Legion Post 31, the Fort Smith Fire Department, the Fort Smith Police Department and the U.S. Marshall’s Museum. Additionally, Representative Medley was lead sponsor of a resolution to keep the United States Postal Processing Center in Fort Smith.
Jim’s legislative accomplishments include sponsoring or co-sponsoring bills; to require the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance each morning in Arkansas’ public schools, to allow disabled American Veterans to use handicapped parking spaces, In God We Trust license plate, reduction in the sales tax on food and reduction of the sales tax on utilities for manufacturers, reduction in homestead taxes, revision of the intermodal transportation law to make it workable to set up intermodal authorities, and to protect firearm and ammunition manufactures and retailers from frivolous lawsuits when the products perform as designed.
As an avid hunter and outdoorsman and a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, Jim strongly supports our Second Amendment Rights. With no reservations Jim has consistently voted to protect the life of the unborn. He also believes that additional education at any level will greatly enhance a person’s ability to hold a better paying job.
As CEO of the Area Agency on Aging, a non-profit company, Jim prides himself on holding government agencies accountable and being a watch dog against wasteful government spending. Jim was lead sponsor of a bill requiring the State to pay city and county bills within twenty days and affirmed his opposition to new taxes by opposing both the Severance Tax and the Bingo Tax.
Jim is pro-economic development and worked for business growth and safety by promoting the construction of turnpike projects like (I-49) as well as supporting legislation to promote super projects to bring jobs to Arkansas. Mr. Medley is also a strong supporter of efforts to bring an intermodal port to the river valley.
Representative Jim Medley’s extensive knowledge of governmental processes, service to the citizens of Fort Smith, and passionate concern for the future of the State of Arkansas is the foundation Jim is prepared to bring to Arkansas State Senate District 13. .