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Marc Kilmer

State Government Will Take Your Call Now

Updated: Apr 13

Have a great idea how to make government more efficient and less costly? Well, today is your lucky day.

A press release from the Governor’s spokesman explains:

Governor Asa Hutchinson launched the state’s MyIdea project at a news conference on Thursday, a direct line to state agencies that will give Arkansans a chance to contribute ideas for ways to improve services, increase efficiencies and streamline state government. Starting today, Arkansans may submit ideas online at or by phone at (844) 7MY-IDEA or (501) 683-IDEA. The process is quick and easy, and while contact information will be requested for any necessary follow up, MyIdea will accept anonymous suggestions. Current employees of the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) will staff the MyIdea telephone line and website. DFA will determine which agency is best equipped to assess an idea, then forward it to the head of that agency. The governor has directed each agency to report back on an idea within 30 days. DFA and the Chief Transformation Officer, housed in the Governor’s Office, will track the responses.

Gov. Hutchinson said at press conference this afternoon:

As any good retailer knows…the best ideas can come from the customers. We want to listen to the customers of state government by the presentation of MyIdea. The Department of Finance will receive the ideas and then it’ll go to the respective agency that might be impacted where the agency will have 30 days to evaluate, look at the idea and respond to it. We’re looking for ideas that will relate to improving the services of government to its citizens. Secondly, we’re always looking for ways to be more efficient. Another way to say that is to cut costs.

Hutchinson said the new project will use “existing resources” in the Department of Finance and Administration and Office of Transportation.

So, if you read this blog regularly (note: hate reading doesn’t count), it’s likely you’re better informed than the average news consumer and have a duty to use this knowledge for the good of better state government in Arkansas.

Head on over to the site and share your wisdom with our state’s bureaucrats. One suggestion that comes to mind would be to make sure that citizens are still able to communicate with their representatives without being harassed by the State Police. Another suggestion might be to look into our state’s public universities to see if they’re  consistently protecting freedom of speech.

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