Sen. Gilbert Baker
Run, Gilbert, Run?: In radio interview, Sen. Gilbert Baker says he’ll make decision on challenging Sen. Blanche Lincoln in next two or three weeks. (The Tolbert Report, via Twitter)
Trade Winds: Arkansas Congressional delegation applauds loosening of restrictions on Cuba. (Arkansas News Bureau)
Check, Please: The Arkansas Times has all the scoop on the big money Saturday fundraiser for Attorney General Dustin McDaniel’s re-election campaign. (The Arkansas Times)
Profiles in Courage: Northwest Arkansas pizza magnate Rolf Wilkins is featured in Pizza Marketing Quarterly for his heroism in stopping the Arkansas milk tax (recently saluted by The Arkansas Project here). Yeah, that’s right. I subscribe to Pizza Marketing Quarterly. Shut up. (Pizza Marketing Quarterly)
Tweet Relief: Columnist John Brummett wants you to know that he has now mastered Twitter, so he can go ahead and cross that one off his “bucket list.” (Arkansas News Bureau)