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David Kinkade

Stuff From Around Arkansas, April 24

Updated: Apr 15

Missing the Point: Oh, look, there’s your attorney general, Dustin McDaniel, in some kind of “Just Say ‘No’ To Having Fun” PSA with a beach volleyball player, whose toned body is completely swathed in a tracksuit. That’s proof positive that whoever put this little show together doesn’t really grasp what it is that we all find so compelling about beach volleyball in the first place. (YouTube)

Tops: Report says Sen. Blanche Lincoln is the top Democratic fundraiser in the south in 2009 so far. (Southern Political Report)

Web Savvy: Blogger Jason Tolbert notes that Arkansas GOP is using same web strategies firm used by Mike Huckabee to build new online and social networking presence. (The Tolbert Report)

Seriously: Speaking of Huckabee, poll jockey Nate Silver says media should take him more seriously as a potential presidential candidate, based on recent data. (

Unkindest Cut: The jobs ax is swinging at Stephens Media-owned Morning News of Northwest Arkansas and I-540 is just a river of blood. (Arkansas Times)

Frosh Pit III: Freshman Democratic Rep. Keith Ingram is the latest target of the Capsearch video interview team. (Capsearch)

Permanent Campaign: The Under the Dome blog is rounding up early news on 2010 legislative races. (Under the Dome)

Bird Watching: So there’s an owl living at the Home Depot in Harrison, and this AP headline wants to know “Who’s There,” right? Get it? Because owls make that sound, so it’s onomatopoetic. I guess they’re cracking WISE over there at the AP, huh? You probably don’t give a HOOT for these terrible puns, huh? I guess that ole owl’s gonna have a MICE day, huh? I guess…uhhhh, let’s see….they must be watching some OWL PACINO movies over there, huh? Now that I think about it, that last one really doesn’t make a damn bit of sense. (AP)

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