Does this have anything to do with anything? No. No, it does not. But if you click on it good things will happen.
Yeah, it’s been a little sluggish on The Arkansas Project this week, hasn’t it? Maybe next week will offer better material…
Screwed: Hooray! Gov. Mike Beebe’s stupid cigarette tax thingie passed the Senate. Health care is now solved! (Arkansas News Bureau)
Idea Man: Lt. Gov. Bill Halter says giving legislators control of lottery proceeds is “stupid idea.” Then he had to cut the interview short to get to his Dale Carnegie class. (Arkansas News Bureau)
In the Pipeline: GOP Rep. Jonathan Dismang’s bill to restrict energy companies’ use of eminent domain in Fayetteville shale is killed in committee (Arkansas Business), and I’m only blogging about it because someone sent me a link to this bizarre and terribly crude animated video commentary on the matter. Where does it come from? What does it mean? Make of it what you will.
Smoke Filled Rooms: Sometimes Tolbert is just too weird for words. (The Tolbert Report)
UPDATE: An Arkansas Project reader sends along a note that item #2 above is no longer operative, as the Arkansas News Bureau has corrected the story on Halter to suggest that he thinks the idea that legislators would control lottery proceeds is merely “bad,” and not “stupid.” Glad we cleared that up!
I rubbed my eyes a bit to make sure I hadn’t somehow made a mistake, but yes, the original story had it as “stupid,” as indicated in the shot below from the Southwest Times Record story (as of this writing unchanged). I have no doubt that there were interesting phone calls between the Lt. Governor’s office and the Arkansas News Bureau this morning.
UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Wow, do you guys like links to the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue page. Duly noted.