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David Kinkade

Stuff from Around Arkansas, Jan. 29

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Smoke Alarm: As previously reported by The Tolbert Report, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey will be in Arkansas on Tuesday to single-handedly fight back Gov. Mike Beebe’s cigarette tax hike. But he didn’t count on having to face down his mightiest adversary: Anti-smoking zealot Doc Hawkins, PhD! The battle is joined. (Doug Thompson’s blog)

Crosshairs: Uh oh, lefty agitators at are putting the squeeze on Sen. Mark Pryor on health insurance vote. (K. Ryan James blog)

Ice-capades: How bad were the ice storms in northwest Arkansas? Freeman Hunt has the photographic record for posterity. (Freeman Hunt blog)

Session Beat: John Brummett hates annual sessions for the legislature, despite the fact that twice as much legislative activity would probably be great for his declining print media industry. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Out of Site: Is it just me or has the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s northwest edition website—which we all have been using as a back door to get at their content since they keep it all locked down in their terrible headquarters sitebeen out of commission for days now? (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette) UPDATE: As of Friday morning, it’s back up at last.

Over: Apparently, House Speaker Robert “Robbie” Wills was at the AC/DC show in North Little Rock last night, which means that whatever residual coolness you might have thought AC/DC possessed is now officially and completely over. Just let it go, man. (Arkansas Times)

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