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Stuff from Around Arkansas, January 21

Updated: Apr 15

Primary Colors: Legislative committee OK’s proposal to move Arkansas presidential primary back to May after laughably bad idea to host early primary in ’06, which was more or less a flop. All parties agree to just pretend that never happened. (AP)

History Project: Oh, look, Blake’s Think Tank blog is finally featuring news and photos from the inauguration, some 24 hours later, now that no one cares anymore. At this point, I’m convinced he’s only doing this so he can write off his travel expenses on his tax return. (Blake’s Think Tank)

Animal Magnetism: Animal cruelty bill is OK’d by committee and goes to Senate, and all the woodland critters cheered. (Arkansas News Bureau)

ARGOCOGLOWARM Watch: Here’s columnist David Sanders with a run-down of last week’s show trial informational hearing on global warming featuring a doughty band of dissenters. But remember there were no votes, just talk, and questions on the science of global warming were not allowed — so I guess you could say this hearing was a lot of “hot air.” Huh? Huh? “Hot air”? Who’s with me? No? Damn. I really need to hire some writers over here. (Arkansas News Bureau)

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