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David Kinkade

Stuff From Around Arkansas, June 26

Updated: Apr 15

Party Line: Some 33,000 people have participated in Lt. Gov. Bill Halter’s telephone town halls on the Arkansas lottery, for some reason that is simply beyond comprehension. (Political Buzz)

Big Guns: General Wesley Clark is making a big online money push for Sen. Blanche Lincoln as second quarter fundraising period draws to a close. (WesPAC)

Cap and Tweet: One man with a Twitter account may or may not be able to singlehandedly stop terrible cap and trade legislation, but blogger K. Ryan James is sure as hell gonna try. (K. Ryan James Twitter Feed)

Tolbert, Stalker of Candidates: Blogger Jason Tolbert is on the prowl again, today capturing video interview with possible GOP Senate hopeful Curtis “Curt” Coleman. (The Tolbert Report)

That’s Ignorant!: Blogger Blake Rutherford is pissed that Michael Jackson’s death didn’t make the front page of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Man, I don’t know why he “Wanna Be Startin’ Something,” but I think the ADG should just tell him to “Beat It,” because this accusation is totally “Off the Wall.” I mean, I know it seems “Bad,” but these kind of editorial decisions aren’t always “Black or White.” And, uhhhh….OK, I think I’m just gonna let this one go now. (Blake’s Think Tank)

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