Antique Roadshow: A bunch of old geezers named Clinton, Pryor and Bumpers speak at the Clinton Presidential Center. I’m like you, I’ve never heard of them either. (Political Buzz)
Dead Pool: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette publisher Walter Hussman says “Never surrender” on print news, giving Lance Turner a set-up for zinger of the week: “Hussman’s losing his print-loving base every time he publishes an obit.” (Lance Turner’s Unimaginatively Titled Blog)
Target Practice: Lawmakers taking aim at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission? Oooh, this could be fun. (Arkansas News Bureau)
A Dog’s Life: Blogging Rep. Mark Martin goes all Legislating 101 with a look at how to read a bill. I might clip and save this post, just in case I ever decide to do something like that. (Off the Marble)
Steady as She Goes: You know, say what you want about Democratic Rep. Vic Snyder, but at least he doesn’t run off like a hysterical posturing ninny every chance he gets. Like most of the rest of the Arkansas congressional delegation. (Arkansas Times)
Call of Duty: Easily excitable nitwit Jason Tolbert thinks I should run for Senate. I was telling Arkansas Project Girlfriend (APG) how funny that would be if I ran a Stephen Colbert-type parody campaign, and she just rolled her eyes. She actually does that a lot when I’m talking. (The Tolbert Report)