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David Kinkade

Video: Joe the Plumber on ‘Huckabee’ Show

Updated: Apr 15

I didn’t watch “Huckabee” on FOX News last night, but I did come across Mike Huckabee’s interview with political media sensation Joe the Plumber on YouTube. Also on hand is Stephen Moore from the Wall Street Journal for a frank discussion of the Barack Obama tax plan:

I’ve been critical of the show’s weird flatness in the past, but this interview shows a touch more spark, chemistry and depth than some we’ve seen in the earlier episodes. Is “Huckabee” on the upswing? I’m reserving judgment. But ditching the terrible interviews with celebrities we’ve seen on the show in the last few weeks (Jon Voight, Chuck Norris) might be a good place to start.

But wait, there’s more! They also take questions from the audience, which is always a good way to make things go downhill:

And for you followers of all things Huckabee out there: Huck’s on the campaign trail in Springfield, Mo., on Monday, making an appearance on behalf of a a Missouri state treasurer candidate.

Also, you’ve seen it mentioned on some of the other blogs, but former “Huck for President” wunderkind Chip Saltsman, who managed Huckabee’s insurgent presidential run, is rumored as a top candidate to head the Republican National Committee next year. Patrick Ruffini at The Next Right blog lists the other rumored candidates and explains why this is important. Check it out.

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