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David Kinkade

Voices from the Distant Past

Updated: Apr 15

Obama-Barkley: Experience Counts

In your Sunday papers, you’ll find columnist Kane Webb looking at Barack Obama’s choice of Joe Biden for his VP, and David Sanders offering a critical appraisal of the Democratic National Convention.

Of course, given the pace of the news cycle today, they might as well be writing about Harry Truman selecting Alben Barkley as his running mate and the 1964 World’s Fair. C’mon, guys, we live in a post-Palin world now! Jesus, these newspaper guys are sloooooowww….

Actually, Webb’s column has some amusing remembrances from a Republican politico who was press secretary on Biden’s 1988 run for the Democratic presidential nod, while Sanders analyzes the Dem convention using a bunch of sports metaphors, which naturally means I didn’t understand it at all. Check ’em both out.

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