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Marc Kilmer

Want to Promote a Free Society?

Updated: Apr 13

If you read the Arkansas Project, it is probably safe to assume that you have some interest in preserving and advancing free society. Maybe you even have an idea or two on how to move our society towards more freedom. If so, then The William F. Buckley Program at Yale has a contest that may interest you:

What are the best ideas in America today for advancing the ideals of a free society William F. Buckley, Jr. championed throughout his life? We invite you to submit your proposal to our contest. We welcome policy solutions for the federal, state, and local levels. Finalists will be invited to present at the inaugural William F. Buckley, Jr. Ideas Forum on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at the Saybrook Point Inn in Old Saybrook, CT. During the event, the finalists will present their ideas and answer questions. A panel of judges and live audience will then vote to select the winners. There are two categories, with one limited to currently enrolled college undergraduates and the other open to all. The general contest winner will receive $10,000 and the college contest winner will receive $5,000. Proposals can be submitted at this link until November 12, 2017. They should take the form of an essay and not exceed 2,000 words. The top three finalists in each category will be notified by December and must be available to present at the Ideas Forum in order to be eligible to win a prize.

William F. Buckley, Jr. played a formative role in the rise of the conservative movement in the U.S. All of us who fight for limited government, the free market, and a strong civil society owe him a debt of gratitude. It’s good to see that there is a program carrying on his legacy by rewarding those who continue working to advance his ideals. If that is something you are interested in, don’t let this opportunity go to waste.

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