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Annals of Democratic Triumphalism

Updated: Apr 15

Great Moments in Arkansas Project Photojournalism: A Retrospective

Bill Clinton, Dale Bumpers, David Pryor and other Arkansas Democrats continue their sales job on Barack Obama through the state today, with stops planned in Pine Bluff and Jonesboro.

Last evening, the old liberal lions pumped up a crowd in North Little Rock, with Clinton predicting an electoral “rout” for Obama and saying that he doesn’t “want Arkansas to be left behind.” Is that some kind of threat? John Lyon of the Arkansas News Bureau reports.

I tried to get Arkansas Project Girlfriend (APG) to attend the festivities, but she was less than cooperative, saying something about having “had it up to here with this stupid blog of yours.” So I don’t have any exclusive photos, and you’re just going to have to make due with the shot of the wiener dog she took at the Hillary Clinton rally in Little Rock a couple of weeks back.

This week, we learned that Arkansans are justifiably skeptical of all this nonsense when the UA’s Arkansas Poll revealed that John McCain maintains a double-digit lead in the state.

Also, the Argenta News has a splendid bit of color from the rally (hat tip to Max Brantley at the Arkansas Times for bringing this to our attention), noting that the Democratic Party of Arkansas herded local reporters at the rally into a cage of some sort to keep them from talking to people (with photo). Good. It’s imperative that the people aren’t exposed to whatever pathogens and cooties they might pick up from these filthy journalists. Who knows where they’ve been?

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