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David Kinkade

Don’t Write Off This French Hill Character

Updated: Apr 15

French Hill: A possible Snyder challenger?

D.C.-based politics pub Roll Call explores Arkansas’ Second Congressional District and wonders if anyone can knock off Democratic Rep. Vic Snyder. Little Rock banker “J.” French Hill, long rumored to maybe be running for something or other at some possible time, emerges as the darling of the Beltway Republican crowd:

…Republican strategists are holding out hope that they can get a bigger fish into the race, namely French Hill, the chief executive officer of the Little Rock-based Delta Trust & Banking Corp. who served as a senior economic policy adviser under President George H.W. Bush.Hill is also being wooed by Senate campaign strategists to challenge Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D) next year, but NRCC officials aren’t shy about talking him up for the 2nd district race.“French Hill would give Vic Snyder the race of his life,” NRCC spokesman Andy Seré said Monday. “I think that there is a growing opinion in Arkansas that Vic Snyder is far too liberal for the district he represents. This is a conservative district full of middle-class families who do not appreciate the liberal legislative agenda of Congressional Democrats and President Obama, and yet Vic Snyder has been with them every step of the way.”On Monday, a spokeswoman for Hill said the Little Rock banker had no comment on his political plans.

And as a bonus, here’s a Dallas Morning News article from 2008 focusing on Hill’s work as national finance chairman for Mike Huckabee’s presidential campaign. Clip ‘n’ save!

Also quoted in the Roll Call story is Conway Republican David Meeks, a propane truck driver who announced last month that he was getting in to the race to challenge Snyder.

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