Green Party candidate Rebekah Kennedy: Takin' no guff
Green Party Senate hopeful Rebekah Kennedy isn’t letting Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor off the hook.
At a lunch at the Governor’s Mansion in Little Rock today, Kennedy challenged Pryor to a debate during the question and answer session, the AP’s Andrew Demillo reports:
“One, do you feel like people of Arkansas are entitled to hear a debate on the issues? And two, if not, do feel like delaying a response is a more appropriate response than just straight up refusing to debate?” Kennedy asked Pryor during a luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion.Pryor told Kennedy that he believes voters have the right to hear about the issues from candidates and cited his visits around the state. Pryor said his campaign hasn’t been contacted by any news organizations that have proposed hosting a debate.“Quite frankly, at this point in the year, it’s so late that I don’t know if we could schedule one,” Pryor said.
Well, you gotta admire the kid’s moxie.