Supporters and opponents of the proposed Arkansas lottery now before the voters took to the airwaves this week with ads to bolster their cases, the Arkansas News Bureau’s John Lyon reports.
The Arkansas Family Council, working strenuously along with several other organizations to defeat the lottery, has reportedly purchased about $30,000 in radio time to run the following ads statewide. They hit hard on the issue of opening up the doors to casinos. The second spot notes, “What they do in Vegas needs to stay in Vegas.” Nice. Click on the links below to listen:
Meanwhile, Lt. Gov. Bill Halter has resurrected his high school football coach, last seen in Halter’s 2006 race, to badger viewers to vote for the lottery in the following TV ad that is running statewide, according to a Halter spokesman:
The Arkansas Project feared as early as August that Halter would pull out the football coach play. You were warned.