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David Kinkade

More Lincoln Mailers: The Race is On

Updated: Apr 15

Lincoln and Griffin: Facing Off in '10?

Last week I noted a mass mailer arriving in Arkansas mailboxes praising Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln for her vote in favor of the SCHIP health insurance expansion. That mailing was listed as paid for by a partnership of pharmaceutical companies, labor unions and a health care advocacy organization.

This is just a follow-up to note that a SECOND mailer, nearly identical in terms of design and messaging, arrived yesterday. The key difference is this one’s paid for by a mostly different batch of organizations: FamiliesUSA, Service Employees International Union, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and America’s Pharmaceutical Research Companies.

I’m not going to provide a scan of the document because it’s not that different from the piece that went out last week, and besides, that would require a small amount of effort, and we are talking about me here, after all.

Also check out Blake’s Think Tank blog, where Blake Rutherford has compiled a list of prominent Arkansans serving as “co-hosts” to Lincoln’s March 14 fundraiser in Little Rock with special guest Vice-President “Shoeless” Joe Biden.

Griffin’s playing coy, but he’s been awful busy doing things that look very campaign-y: In the past week, he was the subject of an extensive ADG news profile and he appeared on KARN Newsradio with Dave Elswick and before the Central Arkansas Republican Club. He also gave The Tolbert Report a reaction statement to the news that Biden was coming to Arkansas to raise money for Lincoln.

As I said before, the 2010 race is already in gear. If any other Republicans are considering jumping in, they’d do well to start making their intentions clear. Soon.

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