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David Kinkade

Pryor, Lincoln Score Fannie, Freddie Dollars

Updated: Apr 15

With all the focus on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac this last week, The Arkansas Project thought it would be fun to have a glance at which of our state’s lawmakers have benefited from the two mortgage buying companies’ largesse.

Democratic Senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln have pulled in $11,650 and $10,000, respectively, from Freddie/Fannie PACs and employees. Democratic Reps. Marion Berry and Mike Ross received $1,000 and $5,550, respectively, in PAC money.

Full list is available over at the Center for Responsive Politics’ Open Secrets site. It tallies Fannie and Freddie giving since 1989; current members of Congress have received a total of $4.8 million with about 57 percent of the total going to Democrats.

At the presidential level, since you’re wondering: Mr. Hope’n’Change himself Barack Obama is the number two recipient with over $126,000, primarily employee giving (in just four years? Damn).  John McCain is on down the list with $21,500, all from Fannie and Freddie employees, not PACs.

Reps. Vic Snyder, Mike Ross and John Boozman (Arkansas’ sole Republican in Congress) aren’t listed, so apparently they got nothing. Losers.

Update: This link from the same site will tell you which Arkansas politicos have received contributions from AIG, another of this week’s federal bail-out beneficiaries.

Update: A reader points out that I misread the table and that Rep. Mike Ross actually received over $5,500 in Fannie/Freddie PAC money. She is correct, and I’ve emended the item above to reflect that.

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