You’ve seen the reports about Crossroads GPS, the GOP advocacy group headed by Karl Rove, targeting U.S. Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas and numerous other Democrats on spending issues. Let’s go to the video:
It’s all permanent campaign, all the time, and in the very near future we’ll never ever not be in the middle of a heated campaign, so gird your loins. The full Crossroads news release is at the jump.
Crossroads GPS launches new TV spot focusing on Rep. Ross’s record on spending and debt
New spot alerts concerned Arkansas citizens about Rep. Mike Ross’s voting record and urges no more taxes and debt; part of a larger $20 million effort to frame debate on jobs, economy and debt.
WASHINGTON – Today, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) launched a new issue advocacy TV spot in Arkansas focusing on Rep. Mike Ross’s record of voting for increased spending, debt and taxes. The effort is part of the nationwide initiative begun two weeks ago by Crossroads GPS to frame the national debate on jobs, the economy and debt.
The ad, entitled “Watch,” will run on broadcast TV stations in Little Rock and Ft. Smith for two weeks. Total spending on the new Arkansas effort is more than $127,565. The spot can be viewed here.
“With budget negotiations heating up, it is crucial for folks in Arkansas to know about Mike Ross’s record of voting for trillions of new government spending programs, paid for by higher taxes and new debt,” said Crossroads GPS communications director Jonathan Collegio. “Citizens concerned about the nation’s fiscal health need to tell Mike Ross that writing a blank check to fix the national debt is not acceptable.”
The new Arkansas spot is part of the second phase of a $20 million advocacy campaign by Crossroads GPS to frame the national issues debate on the economy and national debt, as Congress negotiates a with President Obama. Viewers are urged to visit the website to write their member of Congress to support cutting the debt without raising taxes.
A national ad, “Wake Up,” accompanies the Arkansas spot on national cable networks and on broadcast networks in several states and can be viewed here.
Crossroads GPS is a policy and grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to educating, equipping and mobilizing millions of American citizens to take action on the critical economic and legislative issues that will shape our nation’s future in the years ahead.
For more information, contact Jonathan Collegio at or (202) 559-6424.
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