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David Kinkade

Sanders: Lincoln Leaning ‘No’ On Card Check? (Updated!)

Updated: Apr 15

God love David Sanders for obsessing over the question of where Arkansas senators and congressmen are on the union-backed card check legislation, so that I don’t have to. In today’s column, Sanders goes with a blind item suggesting that Sen. Blanche Lincoln, whose position on the issue has been, to date, rather opaque, is leaning toward ‘no’:

The senator’s campaign staff has been busy making phone calls trying to round up support for her second re-election campaign in anticipation her March 14 fund-raiser with Vice President Joe Biden. At least two times when individuals who were called expressed apprehension about Lincoln’s indecisiveness on EFCA, they were told in response not to worry about that. [Emphasis added, in case you’re not smart enough to find the nut of the graf] Lincoln’s possible new direction makes sense. The co-host committee for her re-election kickoff reads like a virtual laundry list of business executives from industries opposing EFCA. A “no” vote from Lincoln would be major blow to the Democratic leadership and the White House, which strongly supports the legislation.

Meanwhile, former U.S. Attorney Tim Griffin, a potential GOP opponent for Lincoln in the 2010 Senate race who is running his nascent campaign entirely from his Twitter account, speaks today to the Pulaski County Republican Women in Little Rock.

UPDATE: More on this from the K. Ryan James blog, which points to a promise from President Barack Obama that card check will pass this year.

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