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Stuff from Around Arkansas, February 27

Updated: Apr 15

Kick-Off: Republican Mark Darr announces exploratory committee to run for lieutenant governor. If only we had video of the announcement! Oh, wait, we do. (The Tolbert Report)

Let’s Get Ethical: Here’s Attorney General Dustin McDaniel launching ethics push that includes one-year lobbying moratorium for state officials. Fine, anything to keep him busy so he doesn’t do any more blogging. (Arkansas News Bureau)

Cui Bono: Say, in all this lottery talk, who stands to gain from the millions of dollars in ad contracts? (Arkansas Times)

Arms and the Man: You can have Congressman Mike Ross’s assault weapon when you pry it out of his cold, dead fingers. (Politics in Arkansas)

Con-Way: More shady dealings at the University of Central Arkansas? At this point we should probably just burn the whole campus to the ground and salt the fields so it will never rise again. Oh, but whatever happens, save the Oxford American! (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

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