Next phase in the financial meltdown. The upside: That post-apocalyptic all-leather wardrobe is quite slimming.
Remember two weeks ago when various experts could say that the situation on Wall Street probably wouldn’t have too much effect on Arkansas? That assessment is no longer operative.
The Arkansas News Bureau’s James Jefferson and John Lyon report that the worsening situation could have significant negative impacts on the state economy, including slowing job growth, reduced access to credit, big hits to state retirement funds and a high stakes fight for survival in a “Road Warrior”-style primal desert wasteland. OK, I made that last one up, but you believed it, didn’t you?
Meanwhile, the much bally-hooed financial sector bail-out package flopped yesterday, though all four of Arkansas’ congressional reps voted for passage.
And the Jonesboro Sun rounds up response from a couple of profs who talk about what this might mean for northeast Arkansas.