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Nic Horton

Arkansas Roundup, October 5

Updated: Apr 13

Here’s a look at the news & views from around the Natural State this week:

Scalped: While discussing immigration policy at a recent town hall meeting, congressional candidate Gene Jeffress somehow ventured into the political minefield known as “Native American history.” Jeffress was unable to escape unscathed, calling Native Americans “cochises” in his remarks. See the full video here from us, The Arkansas Project.

Executive Privilege: Governor Mike Beebe is continuing to polish his new hobby of lambasting political opponents, this time ripping into opponents of Medicaid expansion. According to Arkansas News, the Gov told opponents to “keep their mouths shut.” After all, he knows what’s best for us! (Remember when I said that the moderate, reasonable Beebe may not have ever really existed? Yeahhh…)

Family Issues: In a manic outburst, the daughter of congressional candidate Gene Jeffress lashed out at her dad’s Republican opponent, Tom Cotton, this week on Twitter, accusing Cotton of being gay and having post-traumatic stress disorder from his military service. Maybe someone is suffering a little PTSD from being raised by Gene Jeffress? Get the full story, complete with screenshots, from Jason Tolbert at Talk Politics (Max Brantley will be all over this story shortly, denouncing the Jeffresses as “homophobes”…*crickets*).

Royally Flushed: Nancy Todd’s casino charade has finally come to an end–the Arkansas Supreme Court flushed Todd’s proposed amendment this week. Here’s a special report from Poker News Daily!

People Still Killing People: Little Rock recorded its 41st homicide of the year this week, according to Max Brantley at The Arkansas Times. Clearly all of Arkansas’ restrictions on gun ownership are keeping guns out of the hands of criminals! I guess state Senator Stephanie Flowers was right when she said “Sometimes people just die.”

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