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Nic Horton

Signs of Government Waste

Updated: Apr 13

Congratulations Arkansas taxpayers!  You are the proud owners of three magnificent signs at a failing wind power plant in Little Rock!

Yesterday, I wrote about LM Wind Power’s use of $230,000 of taxpayer money for “beautification.”  $41,250 of that was allocated for “signage.”  Thanks to a good friend (who shall remain nameless, to protect the innocent), you can now see exactly what your hard-earned money produced at the LM plant.

It’s reasonable to assume that this larger sign is “Sign A” mentioned in the AEDC report:

I paid $41,250 in taxes and all I got was this lousy sign.

Here we have signs “B & C:”

Not a pretty picture.

Governor Mike Beebe, LM Wind Power’s biggest fan.

Frankly, I can’t think of a better use of your tax dollars.  These signs are simply magnificent!  The only way they could be better is if they said, “Blowing taxpayer dollars” underneath the company logo.

Here’s also a picture of the fine fencing that was financed by taxpayers to the tune of $19,500:

A truly beautiful facility.

I don’t know about you, but all of this really makes me want to give even more money to the state government–they really know how to spend it!

Update: I’m told by a reader that there are more signs at the other LM Wind Power location near the Little Rock port.  It is unclear, according to the documents provided by AEDC, which specific signs were paid for with the signage money, but those signs may account for the bulk of the sign costs ($41,250).  I’m not sure it is a particularly critical detail, but it’s worth a little research so I am looking into it further the best I can.  Previous attempts to contact LM Wind Power directly have been unsuccessful.  I don’t suppose they’re particularly interested in talking to the press about bleeding jobs that have been subsidized by taxpayers.

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