We had a lot of interesting stories from our great writers this past month. We thought you might be interested in looking back at our 5 most popular posts and catch up on any you may have missed. #5 New Developments Reveal That U of A’s “Intellectual Property Rights” To Clinton Recordings Are Wholly Imaginary: In a saga that continues to play out in the public eye, the University of Arkansas libraries have embarrassed themselves hand over fist on this one. Their attempted censorship of The Free Beacon has captured the attention of watchdog organizations nationwide. You can read follow up stories here and here. #4 The Greatest Political Contest in 2014: Who Can Be Most Offended?: In 2014, the most powerful thing you can do in politics is be “offended” or “outraged.” The Democrat Party of Arkansas took the art to a new level (and we don’t mean they upped their game) this past month. #3 New Poll: It’s Over for Arkansas Obamacare: Is the Private Option over in Arkansas? Just 13% of Arkansas Republicans now support the so-called Republican plan to “reform Medicaid” and 65% oppose — a margin of five-to-one. #2 VIDEO: Mark Pryor Scurries Away From Reporters When Questioned About Debates: Grab your popcorn! You’ve never seen Senator Pryor like this before. With an unmistakable deer in the headlights look, he masterfully (or not) tries to scurry away from an Arkansas reporter. #1 Faulkner Co. Sheriff to Mark Pryor: “Leave Our Community Out of Your Campaign”: Our number one story according to our readership this past month was, far and away, this story which tells the tale of a sheriff who is tired of a certain US Senator manipulating the people affected by storm damage in his county. A must read! We look forward to seeing what you think is headline news in August. Thank you for being a loyal reader at TAP.
Top 5 Stories On TAP: July
Updated: Apr 13, 2024